Posts Tagged great apes
Still no time to write a post! Will write something soon! 😉
Hey folks, I was planning on a follow-up post to last weeks, but I don’t have time! I’ll try to get to it next week. In the mean time enjoy the latest GITM! 🙂
So I’m still here everyone! This storyline has taken some unexpected turns since I’ve been writing it by the seat of my pants, but I like where it’s going! But I am still planning to take a break from the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey folks, still here! Planning to finish this story line before I take a break. Speaking of this story line, I think maybe I need to change the name of it. This is why I like to write a whole[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So I think I’ve left this wide open for people to come up with their own zingers to finish this comic off. I had one myself, but I decided to leave it. Let’s see if anyone else comes up with[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Okay, so this storyline is called “Olivia”. I really need to work him back into this thing… hmmmmm
So, this storyline seems to be taking a slightly different direction than I thought it would. I may need to create a new title for it, or I’ll have to work Olivia back into it… hmmmm… Stay ‘tooned! 🙂