Posts Tagged gorillas
Okay, Primate Posse™, I guess I kind of lied last week. This comic is the final Bechdel test comic and I said that last week’s was. My bad. I also promised more Gus starting this week, but that will happen[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Next week: a new storyline that will seamlessly meld with this one! And by popular demand, more Gus! 🙂 Stan tooned!
So, I did it, I took this storyline to its logical conclusion. All the characters are now women! Stay tooned to see how I get out of this mess! 🙂
How am I gonna write my way out of this mess? I’m just gonna go with it… at least for now! 🙂
Well Primate Posse™, I was surprised that no one knew which movie I was referring to in last weeks comic post. It was (drum roll…) Stand By Me! My friends and I were always amused by a line from one[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
In this strip I reference another movie. What is it?
Welcome to the first storyline of 2014! This comic contains a nod to a famous movie. I’ll bet a few of you know it just from reading it! Leave a comment if you know it, or even if you don’t[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The most shocking thing about this strip, is that Chuckles appears to have prepared food for himself!! Stay ‘tooned’ next week when more will be explained!