Global Warming Rally
I have to admit, I want the globe to warm up for selfish reason. Okay, not really, but I do understand any such impulse!
I have to admit, I want the globe to warm up for selfish reason. Okay, not really, but I do understand any such impulse!
I recall after the 1982-1983 NON-Winter, that the next year, the “Chicago Supports Global Warming” bumper stickers appeared (that included lots of snow and a blizzard, and the next year brutally cold windchill days). Little did they know, that WAS the sign of successful Global Warming.
We can thank Reagan for his killing off the Synthetic Fuels initiatives and eliminating the “rush” to scrub coal of sulfur dioxide, that was causing acid rain (and not permitting the carbon neutral fuels research to get any funding).
Such a short-sighted old goat he was.
What? Reagan caused problems? But he was god-like. (so say Chuckles and Stan, anyway. And Faux news).
SIGHTED – can you correct that?
If not, just delete it. It was just for your reading anyway!
Surprisingly, I was able to edit YOUR comment. Seems strange. Now I have to figure out how to delete the other one! 😉