The Bechdel Test Part 4 by csimonite on January 27, 2014 at 12:01 am Posted In: Chapter 8: The Bechdel Test How am I gonna write my way out of this mess? I’m just gonna go with it… at least for now! └ Tags: Bechdel Test, gorillas, great apes, satire, webcomic
I wonder how he’ll look in a teddy. Women can’t have pillow fights without wearing teddies you know!
So true, Bill! I think it would break some kind of law…
This can only end in tears, little girly tears.
ha ha, could happen!
I am woman, hear me chestslap.
He’s gotta be a little more careful though! These instant anatomical changes can affect a chest slap!
She can chest slap now without any hands! Just twist really fast side-to-side!
Ha Ha Ha!!!
Oh, let’s not disturb the pillow fight.
NEVER disturb the pillow fight!!
What??? Gus is no longer a silverback. He’s a girl-illa! This creator sure has gone off the deep end! :OP
How are you gonna write your way outta this one, Chris? It IS a good one, though! :O)
Thanks Joseph! Really not sure how I’m getting out of this mess! Also – heee hee “girl-illa”!
She looks strangely familiar and strangely intimidating.
I know, eh? Can’t put my finger on it…
Good guess, Julian!
I think you are going to have to go to the much overused and widely despised “and then she woke up”…
Well, it’s a possibility, but I won’t tell right now!
Poor Hilda just can’t win. I Googled Bechdel test & it was started by a woman with a lesbian blog. Will there be lesbians? Maybe Chuckles & Chester will turn lesbian