The Bechdel Test Part 3
Well Primate Posse™, I was surprised that no one knew which movie I was referring to in last weeks comic post. It was (drum roll…) Stand By Me! My friends and I were always amused by a line from one of the kids in that movie that went something like this (likely a misquote): “if I was a girl I’d stand naked in front of the mirror and look at myself all day.” I kind of thought other people must remember that line too, but maybe I was mistaken?
Anyway, there are no movie references this time. But I have to admit that I have no idea how I’m gonna write myself out of this mess! Even my wife, who understands my work very well, reacted with surprise to this strip. We’ll all (including me) have to wait to see how this develops!
The movie reference makes sense now, lol. I’m sure you can write yourself out of this, maybe her boyfriend is really a girl? I’ll wait and see!
Yeah, I’ll get out of it somehow!! But will I make it worse? That’s the question…
Just take the failing grade and have a neighbor lady come over and ask about the latest episode of Townsend Abby or something like that.
Ha ha, that would work!
Ah, she’s not just a girl, but a teenage girl.
A bit of a stereotype of one!
Dream sequence! 100% foolproof.

Yup, 100%.
Oh BELIEVE ME, I’ve thought of this… not gonna do it though. Too easy.
Some people are just not taking this Bechdel Test very seriously!
I know, and the worst thing is, it kinda seems like it’s ME!
Haha! Your dilemma reminds me of me! How am I gonna write my way out of this mess!?
Carla sure moved in quick to get a boyfriend! He must’ve had that on his mind for a while! :OP
Yeah, could be! Mind you, all the girls seemed to have boyfriends when I was in high school. Or maybe that’s just what they told ME!
Sheesh woman!
Is her obnoxious nature a holdover from being a man or because she’s a woman?
A question that just can’t be answered…
Spoken like a wise old Silverback.
Hilda used the words Male Characters & Men. Fail Hilda
It’s like she’s not even TRYING to pass anymore!!