The Bechdel Test Part 2 by csimonite on January 13, 2014 at 12:01 am Posted In: Chapter 8: The Bechdel Test In this strip I reference another movie. What is it? └ Tags: Bechdel Test, feminism, gorillas, great apes, satire, webcomic
Was the movie called Switch? They guy gets killed and comes back as a female?
Nope, not switch, but not a bad reference! Hint: The movie reference has nothing to do with Carl’s sudden sex change.
Well they are 2 named women having a conversation about something other than men
Hmmm.. you are right. It has passed! But it doesn’t help the feminist cause, methinks!!
In fact, I’m not sure it would really pass. The last panel references a movie where a young boy is talking to another one (or maybe a group of them). And therefore FAIL. Plus if you accept that it’s failed, it allows the story to proceed
P.S. I never noticed before but Carl has a kinda hot body…
Hey, don’t forget (s)he’s only 16!
Oh my Carl, things are going to get weird in that mirror!
Hmmm, and I can’t figure the movie reference.
I’m surprised. I thought this one was obvious. Answer next week!
Girls will be boys and boys will be girls, it’s a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world except for Carl.
Carl and Lola!!
Get some selfies for twitter!
ha ha! As long as they’re tasteful.
Mr MOM?? haha
Nope. I’ll answer next week!
Haha! Yeah, standing. Just standing…
ha ha! that’s the claim!!
Tootsie! Ya see, Carl was in jeopardy of losing his comic gig so that’s why he’s dressed -err- drawn as a woman! :OP
Nice try, Joseph. But nope!!
If I knew it could be completely reversible, I wouldn’t mind. I do have a full size mirror
I think guys keep full sized mirrors just in case!