It’s made them happy. So war is a good thing then ‘cos it makes people happy? What the world needs now, is war, more war, that’s the only thing that there’s just too little of…
That’s probably a great decision! I have to admit my bias here though. My opinion of O’Reilly is filtered through Jon Stewart and sometimes other things on the interwebs. I don’t watch him either!
I own five Christmas trees, 200+ Christmas CDs, 35+ rolls of Christmas wrapping paper and six unopened boxes of Christmas cards.
Not bad for an atheist!
Nice! I’m the kind of atheist who wouldn’t have a tree if it wasn’t for my wife. But as it is I talked her into putting Halloween decorations on it in for a kind of Nightmare before Xmas kind of thing. It’s pretty great!
So, you’re planning on monkeying around with some more cartoons? Good !
Always monkeying!!
The war on Christmas never ends.
Nope, 365 days a year!!
It’s made them happy. So war is a good thing then ‘cos it makes people happy? What the world needs now, is war, more war, that’s the only thing that there’s just too little of…
Man, GITM solves all the world’s problems!
Merry Belated Christmas. Happy New Year
Same to you Pancake! Thanks for the comment and welcome to GITM!
The hurtin’ comes mostly from the bank account!
I know it does for me!
Merry late Christmas to you too!
Same to you Julian, thanks for your support and keep up the fine ‘toonin’!
Who you calling primate? Oh, wait…
Primates one and all!
Can we all just get along until 2014?
Yup! I pretty much get along with pretty much everybody. Except Bill O’Reilly. At least in my mind. I’ve never met that guy and I probably never will!
I don’t watch Bill O’Reilly. Sounds like that may be a good decision.
That’s probably a great decision! I have to admit my bias here though. My opinion of O’Reilly is filtered through Jon Stewart and sometimes other things on the interwebs. I don’t watch him either!
BTW Chris I’ve returned to cartooning.
Cool! I will look soon! Excited to see some new stuff!
I own five Christmas trees, 200+ Christmas CDs, 35+ rolls of Christmas wrapping paper and six unopened boxes of Christmas cards.
Not bad for an atheist!
Nice! I’m the kind of atheist who wouldn’t have a tree if it wasn’t for my wife. But as it is I talked her into putting Halloween decorations on it in for a kind of Nightmare before Xmas kind of thing. It’s pretty great!
Ha! I like the guy’s cone head! Sorry I’m a bit behind on your comic, Chris. Hope Gus is OK with that! :OP
Gus is okay with it, he’s hardly even been in his own comic lately!
Thanks for catching up!
It should be easier what with fewer updates…