Gus Fires A Salvo In The War On Christmas
Here’s the Xmas comic I promised! There may or may not be a comic at all next week, since I have a guest staying in my studio. We’ll see how it goes. In any case, thanks to all the people who supported GITM since it started back in January! Happy Holidays and have a hella New Year! 🙂
There’s a Fox News in the hen house for Christmas 🙂
Nothing scares the chickens like Bill O’Reilly, except maybe for Rupert Murdoch!
Happy upcoming anniversary Chris! 😀
And a happy stuff to you too! 😉
Thanks Bill I hope you have lotsa good stuff this holiday! 🙂
Yeah, I’ve got my holiday presents under the holiday tree and them creche here and there. When the guests get here we’ll sing those old holiday songs and love on each other and eat lots of good food – yeah, that’ll teach that Christmas a lesson. I could do without that crazy shopping though. That’s where the real battles are fought, elbow to hand.
It’s true, the real trenches are at Walmart! Bleah!!!
Happy Christmas/Holiday’s Chris! 🙂
Same to you David! 🙂
I would definitely choose Team Christmas in that war.
Hey I’m cool with that. Just not cool with those whining FOX news peoples! Merry Christmas to you Mike! 🙂
Perhaps those people who are cheap in the gift-giving department are really just conscientious objectors? Happy Holidays, Chris!
I think that’s it! But no me… no way no how! Happy holidays to you too, Mark!
Gus isn’t aggressive enough in the war on xmas. I say chop down the stupid tree, trample the star & pretty shiny baubles & burn the nativity creche!!! Bah Humbug, I really, really, really hate xmas & am glad it’s over now… I supose hot cross buns will be on the supermarket shelves by next week.
You’re forgetting Valentines day chocolate and crap! That comes first, at least in these parts. Do you guys do Valentine’s day in Tasmania?
I hate that too but love chocolate which I guess bribes me to be more tolerable of all that sweet mushy lovey dovey crap
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with friends and family, Chris. Now get that guest outta your studio so you can get back to comicking! :OP
He’s gone and I did a comic! Yay! Not that I didn’t enjoy having my brother-in-law… I hope you had a helluva Xmas too Joseph! 🙂
I believe we should all believe as our consciences demand, and not demand that others also believe as we do, so Merry Christmas, or whatever other holiday you deem worthy of celebration (the more holidays, the merrier, I think).
I agree! Everyday should be a holiday, so I hope you have a great one Nef! And thanks for all your support in my first year of webtooning! 🙂