Eating Alberta by csimonite on November 27, 2013 at 12:01 am Posted In: Chapter 6: What Vegetarianism Leads To… Expect comics Monday and Wednesday until this extremely absurd storyline is done! └ Tags: evolution, GMO, gorillas, great apes, satire, vegetarianism, webcomic
The state of that man’s appetite is out of control.
I know! It’s almost like he’s morphed into.. I dunno… a giant mutant space monster?
Hmmm. . . it actually makes sense that he would do that!
Doesn’t it though? Can you guess which state is next to go?
It better not be TEXAS! Nobody messes with TEXAS!
Hey, no spoilers!!
He can’t eat Texas. Everything is too big in Texas. He should start with New Jersey. Garden state with a nice smoky aftertaste.
That man is voracious!
Ain’t he though? I just don’t want to think about how big he must be getting!!!
Oh, he’s going for the steak. Now it all make sense.
That’s it! But I guess he’s also enjoying the mix of flavours??
Would you care for a baked Alaska for dessert?
Oh, thanks for that! Didn’t even think of it. I’ll pass it on to Chuckles!
So my province got eaten. No biggie.
No biggie? Did he spare Medicine Hat somehow? In any case, I’m practicing my long jump so I can get to BC from Saskatchewan!
There has to be a logical explanation. Chuckles probably is having a growth spurt.
Must be well beyond a world record one!!