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Well, my Primate Posse™, this strip brings to a close the Great Gargantuan Green Gorilla storyline. Even though it’s ended with the seeming death of this new religion, I think I may need to bring it back at some point, if only to make t-shirts! I mean, who wouldn’t want a Great Gargantuan Green Gorilla t-shirt? Or maybe one of those things people stick on their cars? Not sure How I’ll revive it, but revive it I will.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this storyline. I was a little afraid I would lose some readers over this (even though South Park has done much more blatant religious satire) but it seems I’ve retained most of the ‘posse’, so thanks for sticking around! And if PZ Myers, Richard Dawkins or Jerry Coyne happen to read this storyline, I hope I was overall respectful. Apologies to Dawkins for the jowls, I got a little carried away. And also for the scatalogical humour. I couldn’t resist, and at least it was a good degree tamer than South Park!
I’ll be back Monday with a new storyline, but unfortunately, GITM will be going weekly for a while, with new comix on Mondays. I’m not thrilled about it, but I’ll explain on Monday. Have a great weekend Primate Posse!
So I wonder if they get good TV reception with the purple head antennas errrr… I mean antennae. I’m a Jehovah’s Witness & I didn’t find this offensive in any way at all. If people get upset about religious satire then they need to learn not be so touchy.
I imagine the next step is to get the TVs installed in their bellies. Then they can test their reception! Glad you weren’t offended Tony! It’s not my intent to offend, but I know that some people will be. I just write what I think is funny!
I’m offended and didn’t like it one bit. I read the whole Book of Gorman only to find out it was a hoax!
I forgive you, Brother Chris. The purple coat hanger you sent me fits my head just fine, thank you!
Thanks, Brother Joseph. I’ll see you at the poop throwing ceremony? I really don’t believe it was just a hoax, do you? Good to hedge our bets with the coat hangers though!
Awesome strip up thru this one! You gave me multiple out loud laughs with the premise and the puns! Despite reading ~200 comics a day, THAT doesn’t happen very often.
Bravo!! This strip has been today’s great discovery for me! Thanks to someone’s link on some site — the first eyeball of the page I saw Tony’s comment, so I knew I was going to like it! (I have my own group of strips I read, but the “Tasmanian Gang” is a subset of those – and they are always winners!
I love the 20-30 year olds making comics, but the geezers have a different set of humor standards that we all seem to enjoy. What it is, specifically… I don’t know. I pray to Tinky one day I’ll figure out the formula.
(does Pat Robertson know? IIRC, he was the idiot who made the first “gay” charge against Teletubbies! Or was it Falwell?)
Wow! Thanks for the kudos, Ivan. I gotta check in on What Tony’s been up to these days! Talented guy. Wish I had time to read 200 comics a day, I’m impressed!
Anyway, are you calling ME a geezer?? Me??? Hmmm, maybe you’re calling me a geezer in the British sense? Like a bloke, or a dude? Ok, I’m kinda old. Interesting that you use that word. The first comic I ever published was actually called Geezers! In fact this is kinda the same strip but with a Gorilla added (actually he was added to Geezers at some point too) and the name changed.
But anyway, there’s no formula, maybe it’s cuz we all grew up watching Monty Python, SNL (and later Kids in the Hall) and reading Bloom County, Doonesbury and Calvin and Hobbes?
I’m pretty sure it was Falwell. And he’s dead. But I’m sure we could rile up Robertson if we tried!
By the way, do you have a comic? Your avatar is great!
No comic. Can’t draw to save my life.
The avatar IS great! Thanks go to Rich Morris for the personal icon from “Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic” —- Check out his 10+ year project – an hilarious comic with magic and dragons and lots of BOOBS! —>