2013 04 2 No More Commitment Keepers!
Hi loyal readers! Earlier in this series of comics, I mentioned that I had a prof in art school who essentially acted as an editor for these very comics. I mentioned that he was blatantly wrong about this comic. Well, there was an incident where it was a very good thing that he was there. If he hadn’t been, I’d hope someone would have caught it. The original answer to Hilda’s question “what’s that thing” was “My anti-gay gun,” which this ‘editor’ thought sounded like a gun to, well, kill gay people, which was absolutely NOT how I intended it. I certainly hope it comes off the way I intend it to in the revised version, which is that it’s a ray gun that keeps away some sort of essence of ‘gayness’ that might try to invade Chuckles’ and turn him gay. Of course reading this out of context of the rest of the story wouldn’t make any sense at all, but I do think it does (even though I don’t have an actual editor) if you read this series of comics right from the beginning. This is the 23rd of 24, so it might take you a while, but I’m sure you’ll have some laughs in the meantime!
I think he’s having way too much fun with that!
Imagine the havoc he’ll wreak with it!
Be careful not to accidently click it onto the reverse setting Chuckles or you may attract them.
I’ve certainly had plenty of laughs during this storyline Chris.
Thanks Tony, but damn, I wish I had thought of that reverse setting! That would might have been the coup de grace gag in this story line!
That happens to me sometimes when a commenter leaves an idea that I wish I had’ve thought of.
Unavoidable, I guess, eh? (wow, that was a little Canadian of me!)
I ususally disagree with “editors” but this time I agree. Gay-away sounds way better than anti-gay. A character can say things like that, because he is what he is, but the author, when out of character, should refrain from that.
This has been funny. I was thinking a ray-gun that takes the gay out of people (making them straight) rather than repel them, so the reverse that Tony mentions made me laugh like a hyena…
I agree! Tony’s was funnier! Dammit!!
Not that it matters, since you can imply anything you want into the strip.